State Department of Health announces changes to testing sites

UPDATED: JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 10:52 AM
Associate Producer, Utah's Morning News

SALT LAKE CITY — Changes are coming to the COVID-19 testing experience here in Utah. 

All changes will take place on January 8, 2022. 

Testing by appointment only

The Utah State Department of Health (UDOH) announced some locations will only test by appointment. 

These sites will switch to appointment only:

Modified closing times

Due to the huge lines at test sites, the UDOH said closing times will also be impacted. Cars will need to be in line at least an hour before close in order to get a test. 

Those arriving later than an hour before close will either be given a take-home COVID test or be asked to return the next day. 

No longer supports routine work testing

The Department of Health also announced these state-operated testing sites won’t provide routine tests for those who need it to go to work. 

Neither will they provide tests people need to attend an event. 

Anyone needing tests for these reasons should search for non-state-sponsored testing locations or work directly with their employer for other testing options. 

Be prepared for long lines

The UDOH explained that “anyone seeking testing should be prepared for long lines right now.” They continued on to say that current wait times can be anywhere between 30 minutes and four hours. 

To view the full updated policies, see the UDOH website

For the current COVID guidelines and recommendations from the CDC, see their website

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