Despite recent cougar sightings, DWR says rarely are humans attacked

UPDATED: JULY 21, 2022 AT 9:30 AM
Digital Content Producer

SALT LAKE CITY — In recent weeks, there have been several reports of cougar sightings in residential neighborhoods.

Despite the sightings, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources says humans being attacked by cougars are rare.

“I did want to emphasize cougar attacks on people are still very, very rare in the U.S,” said Faith Jolley, spokesperson for the DWR. “The likelihood of a cougar attacking you is still pretty low. So, just be aware that they are in the area. We’ve had some sightings in the valley. But typically, they are just migrating through.”

Still, there needs to be safety precautions in place in the event of cougar sightings near you.

“The biggest thing is we tell people to keep your pets inside,” Jolley said. “Keep small children inside, particularly at dawn and dusk when cougars are most active.”

If you witness a cougar in your neighborhood, you are asked to contact the DWR

Mark Jones contributed to this article.

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