Paul Tsosie appointed to Colorado River Authority Board by Gov. Cox

Digital Content Producer

SALT LAKE CITY — Gov. Spencer Cox appointed Paul Tsosie on Tuesday Colorado River Authority Board. 

Tsosie, a member of the Navajo Nation, will fill the recently created seat to represent Utah’s Native American Tribes in policy decisions, involving the Colorado River.

“In order to properly address the water challenges our state and the West face, we need to have the best thinking from all stakeholders, entities and Tribes,” Cox said in a news release. “Paul will bring an important perspective to the policy discussion not only as a member of the Navajo Nation but also as an attorney with an appreciation of the complexities of water law. He was clearly the right choice to fill this position.”

As an attorney, Tsosie focuses on representing various Native American Tribes in issues ranging from law enforcement to hunting and fishing and economic development. 

“It is my honor to serve on the board for the Colorado River Authority of Utah,” said Tsosie in a news release. “I understand that my service does not replace official Native American tribal consultation, but I will serve as a voice to ensure that Indian Country is included in decisions made by the Colorado River Authority.”

The additional seat on the Colorado River Authority Board was created in March by the legislature with the passing of S.B. 160, increasing the board members to seven.

“With their unique sovereign status, Native American Tribes are critical partners in any discussion related to the Colorado River,” said Gene Shawcroft, chair of the Colorado River Authority of Utah and Utah’s River Commissioner in a news release.

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