Looking for a job? ChamberWest Job Fair is back
Apr 18, 2023, 1:00 PM
(Allison Joyce/ Bloomberg)
WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah — The job market has slowed across the U.S., although Utah’s economy is continuing to grow. More opportunities are available at ChamberWest’s Job Fair, and all are welcome.
With nearly 70 businesses coming to the event, attendees will have the opportunity to explore career options and network with employers.
According to Barbara Riddle, president and CEO of ChamberWest, the event will also help attendees get advice from industry experts.
“We’re excited to connect job seekers with local businesses and help create meaningful employment opportunities for our communities,” said Riddle in a release.
Specifically, businesses will range from manufacturing, healthcare, trades, education, finance and technology.
“There are so many great employment opportunities available right now,” says Riddle. “This is your chance to take advantage of having these businesses in the same place at the same time.”
The job fair will take place Thursday, April 20 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Copper Hills High School located at 5445 West 10400 South, West Jordan.