Watch out for Facebook scammers using lost dog ads

UPDATED: APRIL 20, 2023 AT 8:54 PM
Reporter, Utah's Morning News

SALT LAKE CITY — There’s a new way scammers might be using your local Facebook group against you. Think twice before sharing a neighbor’s lost dog ad.

Scammers are posing as community members and making fake lost pet posts asking for help. When users share that post, their friends see a completely different ad for a rental property or a cash prize.

“It looks like your Facebook friend has shared this rental, so it must be legitimate,” said the Chief of Staff for the Better Business Bureau Serving Eastern Michigan Luara Blankenship.

According to the Better Business Bureau, some telltale signs of a scam are where the person’s from. For example, are they part of a local Utah group but posting from Florida? Additionally, the Bureau advises people to take a step back and ask why, for bigger ads about missing children, they haven’t heard about it on the news.

For more information check out the Better Business Bureau’s website.

Devin Oldroyd contributed to this story.

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