Many campgrounds will remain closed over holiday

UPDATED: MAY 19, 2017 AT 8:25 AM
Former reporter

KAMAS — Utah’s valleys are warming back up, but in many higher areas, the U.S. Forest Service says campgrounds are still covered in snow. That may make camping over Memorial Day weekend a little tricky this year.

The forest service tries to get as many campgrounds open by the holiday weekend as possible, but this year many will remain closed.

“This is the biggest snow year we’ve had since I have been on the force,” said David Whittenkiend, who has been with the U.S. Forest Service for the last five years.

He said this year the snow is still covering many of the higher elevation camps and the trails up to those grounds are muddy.

“If you are on a trail and it’s muddy and you are leaving a footprint, we recommend you don’t continue- it tears them up.”

Whittenkiend said it’s also a pretty good indication that the campground above will be closed. Instead, the man recommended making your plans as far south as possible and calling ahead to see if the trails and grounds are open for overnight stays.