Signs warn of parking fees coming to Pineview Reservoir

UPDATED: JUNE 13, 2017 AT 4:52 PM
Former reporter

WEBER COUNTY — Just two weeks after announcing alcohol will be banned along most of the beach, signs along Pineview Reservoir are now warning parking fees are coming to the beach line.

“We wanted people that were visiting Pineview to have kind of a heads up that we’re looking at pay-for-parking, so we put up some signs,” said Weber County Commissioner, James Ebert.

He said the commission and the Forest Service began considering several changes to the area about a year ago. The first change was announced two weeks ago, a dry beach policy for most of the reservoir. That addresses issues with safety along the beach, but Ebert said they had plenty of more to consider.

“We have some issues with how we fund infrastructure to create better infrastructure around the reservoir,” Ebert added, the parking fees will help them build things like bathrooms, picnic tables, and hopefully a fund to help clean up after messy visitors.

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