People jump from balconies to escape Midvale apartment fire

UPDATED: JULY 5, 2017 AT 8:15 AM

MIDVALE — An apartment fire left two people injured after they jumped from the building’s balcony to escape the flames. Someone else on the ground was also injured.

This happened shortly after midnight, July Fourth into July Fifth. The fire started on the second floor of a Chelsea Park apartment building.

When firefighters arrived, the flames had spread up to the third floor and then to the roof.

Fire crews rescued several people from their apartments.

A total of three apartments were damaged. Investigators are still on scene trying to determine what sparked this fire.

Unified Fire crews believed around 100 people were evacuated. The Red Cross later updated that number to 79. They were waiting Wednesday morning for the building inspector to give them word about when they could get back into their apartments.