Brussels bombing survivor says faith, forgiveness key to healing

UPDATED: OCTOBER 3, 2017 AT 11:22 AM

A survivor of the Brussels bombing says forgiveness was key to his overall healing.


Mason Wells, from Sandy Utah, was on an LDS mission when he was severely injured by a terrorist attack at the Brussels airport in April 2016.


He spent weeks in the hospital recovering.


Now he’s written a book called “Left Standing.”

“Mason wanted to tell his story. You can overcome tragedy and trials with optimism and the proper outlook,” said his father, Chad Wells.


“How do you overcome hate, how do you overcome complete frustration to something where you are an innocent victim of a crime,” he said.


Wells says his son Mason had to let it go.


“If he didn’t do that, it would have torn him up inside,” he said.


The book comes out next month. Mason is now at the Naval Academy.