Educators: Rivalry between two schools becoming destructive


SALT LAKE CITY – Educators in Salt Lake City say an intense high school rivalry is crossing over into unacceptable territory.  Two schools were vandalized this weekend, and the principals for both schools say they need parents to help keep it from getting even worse.

Vandals have hit both East and Highland high schools in the past, but, this weekend, the damage was especially bad.

“As far as the damage that happened this weekend, it was in the thousands of dollars.  We had our crews clean it up as fast as we can,” according to Salt Lake School District Spokesman Jason Olsen.

The “H Rock” at Highland was targeted, as was the “Big E” across the street from East High.  However, Olsen says the artificial turf at East was painted, as were some of the tennis courts.  Olsen says the principals are both concerned about retaliation, and, the district will work closely with police to track down who is behind the vandalism.

“Whenever there’s an instance like this that involves vandalism that costs money, there will be an investigation,” he says.

The principals of both schools issued a statement asking for parents to talk with their kids about keeping the rivalry respectable.

“It can’t go beyond the point of breaking the law.  That’s the line we want to draw and that’s the conversation we want them to have,” Olsen says.

Both schools issued the following statement…