Keith Donaldson – Syracuse Arts Academy

UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:48 AM
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Mr. Donaldson is the P.E teacher of my school, Syracuse Arts Academy. He is an amazing teacher who really tries to “click” and get to know you personally. He has a fun personality that everyone and anyone can relate with and get along with. He loves to play around in P.E and makes it a very enjoyable class. He is one of those teachers that you will never forget even when you are old. Even if he doesn’t realize it, he makes a huge impact on all of the students. He walks around and says hi to everyone he sees. That makes a giant difference in a lot of student’s lives. Mr. Donaldson is always happy and smiling at everyone that passes. He brings an enthusiastic and happy mood everywhere he goes. What makes this teacher so enjoyable is that he loves his job. He’s told us plenty of times that he could be doing things like snowboarding or cruising somewhere foreign but he continues to teach because he loves it. He likes to teach, so he can try and make a difference in our lives. He finds the students at our school very enjoyable and fun to teach. To us, that makes us grateful to have such a great teacher and friend in our school. Mr. Donaldson has been a teacher and coach to me for three years. He has become my favorite teacher since the first couple days I got to know him. His P.E class is my favorite class because of the fairness in it and also the “sweat and smile” motto he has. On the school volleyball team, I have found that Mr. Donaldson has excitement and motivation that gives my team a winning attitude. When I leave this school, I know that one of the teachers I will really miss will be Mr. Donaldson. Like I’ve said previously, he cares for all the students personally. I know a lot will agree on giving Mr. Donaldson the Teacher Feature award.

–Natalie Anderton

Mr. Donaldson is definitely one of the most qualified teachers for this reward that I have ever met. He teaches P.E. and Health. He is one of the most sarcastic and funny teachers, but also one of the nicest and compassionate teachers out there. Every day he makes sure that everyone is having fun while they are learning. He is always willing to help you whenever you need it. He even allows you to come in before and after school if you have questions or concerns about anything. I always look forward to his class at the end of the day. During P.E. we always play games and have a good time. He always comes up with new rules to make sure that the games are fair for everyone. Sometimes we will have students in our class that struggle in a sport or activity, and Mr. Donaldson doesn’t move on to the next sport until that student fully understands it. He is always cheering us on and encouraging doing our best. In conclusion, Mr. Donaldson is the number one candidate for this award. I can honestly say that he is always there for us students and will always help us if we need it. Everyone at our school appreciates him so much. Whenever I see him walking down the hall in the morning, I can’t help but notice him smile and say hello to everyone he passes. He is almost as much as a great friend as he is a great teacher. That is why he should receive recognition for his great teaching.

–Nathan Cox