UPDATED: AUGUST 4, 2022 AT 11:02 AM
KSL NewsRadio Sales

I would like to nominate educator Ryan White for his outstanding service as a teacher, service to his country, and the life saving measures he took to save my daughter when she suffered a medical incident in class during her A/P government class. This evening KSL did a story about the incident that could have taken my sweet baby girl from me. His quick response and compassion has touched my whole family, but particularly my daughter. She calls him her lifesaver and for good reason.

Mr. White has an extensive background in service to his country and community. He served in the Coast Guard and was present at the Pentagon during 9/11. He has prepared himself to lead our next generation through his service. The lifesaving skills he has obtained during his career where crucial on that day in Dec 2016 when Megan collapsed in class, hitting her head and rendering her unconscious and not breathing. He immediately identified that my daughter was no longer breathing and needed CPR. I have no doubt that heaven was watching over my daughter and she was in his class during this incident because she needed him that day. He was her hero at that moment, keeping her under his loving care until medical units arrived to rush her to the hospital.

Megan will be traveling with Mr. White and other students to Washington D.C. this spring to further her understanding and knowledge of this great country. She will have the opportunity to learn about other great leaders from our nation’s past. But, for my daughter the greatest hero will be in her presence.

Please except and thoughtfully consider Mr. White as a featured educator for Teacher Feature. He deserves all the recognition he can be given.
– Anthony Brereton