Amy Walters of Diamond Ridge Elementary

UPDATED: AUGUST 3, 2022 AT 2:41 PM
KSL NewsRadio Sales

Amy Walters of Diamond Ridge Elementary was nominated by Kristi Harms, who says:

“Amy Walters is a K-3 special education teacher at a public school is West Valley City. Amy works with students who have mild to severe learning disabilities and who struggle with behavior. She spends her day helping students in small groups for both reading and math. On top of teaching these students with diverse learning needs, she has a pile of paperwork to fill out and is always on top of each child’s progress report. To go even further, she is a member of the Student Support Team, where she meets with teachers to provide support for them as they are working on providing interventions for students who are behind. Amy is also the one who tests students who are not making progress to see if they have a learning disability and could benefit from special education services.

Like most teachers, she goes above and beyond when it comes to making her students feel special. She finds out what kind of treats and toys they like so she can reward students with their favorite things when they earn a prize. She comments on how beautiful they look or if they have new shoes or nice hair. She is genuinely passionate about her students making progress and helping them to be successful. She truly is the epitome of a special education teacher.

I have had the pleasure of observing all of these things first hand because I share an office with her. Not only is she wonderful to her students, but she has a team of paraeducators and aids that she directs each day in order for each child to get the support they need. She will stop what she is doing to answer questions, work with a student who is unable to stay on task, take over for an aid so they can have their lunch, run up to a classroom to help a child who is having a meltdown, make arrangements to meet with parents even when it is not convenient or ideal for her, and the list goes on! On top of this, Amy has a special needs child of her own. Some days are harder than others, yet she is still able to be the amazing teacher that she is.

Amy deserves recognition and something special because she is a special teacher at Diamond Ridge Elementary School!”