Matt Mullen, Mount Ogden Junior High

UPDATED: MARCH 19, 2019 AT 10:42 AM
Assistant Promotions Director

The following was submitted by Jessica Baxter.

“Mr. Mullen is an exemplary teacher. Mr. Mullen is our engineering and Project Lead the Way teacher. This is an extremely hard position to fill, and we were so lucky when Mr. Mullen took a job here at Mt. Ogden. He has turned a struggling program around. Students in previous years would complain about how hard and rigorous the course was, but since Mr. Mullen has been here the students love the course. Mr. Mullen does a great job of doing some awesome hands on projects. He is exciting and loves teaching and the students know that and respond to it. I hear weekly from students about how interesting/fun/challenging his class is. He has a great relationship with his students.

Mr. Mullen does a great job of using data to help him plan his lessons. He fills out sheets that track his students that aren’t doing well and then makes plans of how to help theses students. He uses technology to give students small formative assessments all the time to help monitor their progress.

Mr. Mullen not only helps our Jr. high students learn to love engineering but he is doing a great job of pushing his students to continue that learning through high school. I know he spends a lot of time coordinating with the high school to make sure his courses line up and lay a foundation for courses they offer at the high school. He spent a good chunk of his summer at teacher training’s to help him keep up to date with new information and technology in the engineering world. He is always looking for ways to get cool gadgets like 3D printers for his classroom.

Mr. Mullen is a great team player at our school. If we don’t have enough subs in the building, he volunteers to cover a class during his prep period. He is always positive and cheerful. He is very good with technology and is always helping other teachers out when their technology is not working correctly. Mr. Mullen brings treats on Friday mornings to share with other teachers as a way to celebrate having a good week. He is the first one to volunteer to help with sports or any school activity.”