“The Rock” surprises 100-year-old fan with a birthday wish


PHILIDELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Marie Grover just turned 100 years old and got quite the surprise as her friends and family gathered around to celebrate her century of life. The surprise: a personal rendition of happy birthday by none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

Jamie Klingler told Buzzfeed News that she reached out to Johnson’s publicist and agent a few weeks ago in the hopes of doing something special for her friend’s grandmother, who was a big part of her childhood.

Klingler said “Grandmom Grover’s” love of the Rock goes back 30 years. She used to wear a sweatshirt with The Rock on it and talk about how handsome he was. When Klingler tweeted out that plans were in the works for the birthday surprise, she got a surprise of her own. Johnson himself responded on Twitter.

The Rock kept his word and Grandmom Grover got a surprise happy birthday from the former WWE star. She was overjoyed to get the message, which went viral — more than half a million views and counting.

The video shows Marie, sitting in her chair with a sash that says “100 & Fabulous,” when she starts watching the video from Johnson. On-screen, the star sings “Happy Birthday to You” and blows her a few kisses.

“I’m sending you so much love and a huge congratulations on 100 years. What an amazing life,” Johnson said in the video.

Later, Johnson retweeted the video, saying remembering his own late grandmother and doing things like this for fans is one of his favorite parts of being famous.


Klingler told Buzzfeed News that Marie and her family appreciated Johnson’s time and thoughtfulness in sending the special birthday message.

“It’s really all down to Dwayne and his kindness,” she said. “He made an old woman so incredibly happy. I will always be grateful. She is a legend.”