Sandy Fire offers clinical help to firefighters after difficult calls

UPDATED: DECEMBER 29, 2022 AT 12:56 PM
Digital Content Producer

SALT LAKE CITY — One Sandy Fire Department emergency responder told KSL that he doesn’t wear his uniform at home.

“When I walk through that door, I’m Dad,” said Tyson Astin, a firefighter, and EMT for Sandy fire.

He told reporter Ashley Moser that’s one of the ways he keeps his work out of his family life, in order to deal with the stress of the job.

The city is also helping its first responders deal with stress, by asking them to speak with a clinical psychologist after difficult calls, which Astin said usually involves children.

Sandy Fire Chief Bruce Cline told KSL TV that he’s been doing this work for 20 years and that this type of help is fairly new.

You were macho. You were a firefighter. You’re not supposed to be sad about somebody dying,” he said.

Now, Moser reports, Chief Cline has made mental health a priority. Along with talking more among themselves, and being on the lookout for a first responder that may need help, they must meet periodically with a clinical psychologist.

Hear more about this by watching KSL TV reporter Ashley Moser’s report.



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