Opinion: Punch through the brick wall that’s stopping you

UPDATED: MAY 2, 2021 AT 3:34 PM

This is an editorial piece. An editorial, like a news article, is based on fact but also shares opinions. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and are not associated with our newsroom.

You’re cruising along and everything seems to be happily bending your way – but, then,  you stop.

Brick wall. 

It’s an interesting phenomenon. Most people stop at the problem that is the brick wall and say it’s too hard, too challenging, or “I knew it wasn’t going to work.” They throw up their hands and walk away and stay wherever they are.

Behind that brick wall.

The brick wall is a test

I’m one of those who firmly believe that brick walls are there on purpose. They serve to prove how badly we want something. And those walls keep out those who don’t want it badly enough.

I used to coach executives of companies, CEOs, presidents of large organizations, salespeople, etc.

One morning a president of a Fortune 500 company called me up and said, “Boyd, my life is falling apart. It’s unraveling.”

“Well, tell me what’s happening,” I replied.

He proceeded to list everything that had gone wrong: a shipping problem with a critical order for a crucial customer fell through. He had problems at home and in his community. His car blew a tire.

“That’s fantastic,” I said.

“Boyd, did you listen to a thing I said? I just told you my life’s falling apart,” he said.

“It proves that you’re on the right path,” I responded. “You just hit the brick wall.

This is just a test.”

That’s always been my experience when you’re trying to change something significant. It is not the path of least resistance you’re on. It’s clearly the road less traveled, which includes at least one big wall, if not several, to test you. To show you if you’re really serious about it — and keep those out, who aren’t.

Be prepared if you’re going to do something big out there! Because there will be a brick wall test, to see if you’re serious.

There will be obstacles and setbacks that can be jarring, discouraging, and frustrating.

It’s so easy to throw up your hands and say “Forget it. I knew it wasn’t gonna work.”

But when you bust through the brick wall, then you really gain momentum because you’ve become fully committed. All kinds of opportunities, resources, and connections begin to emerge just as soon as you break through that wall.


Inside Sources with Boyd Matheson can be heard weekdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on KSL NewsRadio. Users can find the show on the KSL NewsRadio website and app.