What you need to know about the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and COVID-19

Assistant News Director

PARK CITY, Utah — Sundance Film Festival is laying out strict COVID-19 requirements for the 2022 event.

If you plan on going to the festival, or any of its events, you have to be vaccinated, tested, and wear your mask at some point.

The mask rules apply whenever you’re inside or waiting in line for something. However, certain masks are not allowed. The masks not allowed are face shields, bandanas, and gaiters. In addition, masks made of mesh materials, and masks holes or breathing valves are also not allowed.

The festival is also requiring everyone to get tested every 48 hours.

You’ll be reminded of your 48-hour deadline. Every attendee will have to upload a negative test result to a third-party portal. The second it uploads, it starts a two-day countdown to your next negative test. 

Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will have to quarantine for 10 days. 

The festival will be offering free testing at check-in. It will accept any kind of test — PCR or rapid — but won’t likely be okay with those at-home tests

Children under the age of 5 will not be allowed to attend the 2022 Sundance Festival in person. CDC guidelines do not allow children under the age of 5 to be vaccinated. Additionally, anyone who can not show proof of vaccination will not be able to attend this year’s event.

You can read the latest on the requirements right here.

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