Keep these things in your car in case of emergency

UPDATED: MAY 10, 2022 AT 8:39 AM

 SALT LAKE CITY — What do you need to have in your car in case of an emergency? An expert runs down the list of things to keep in your car or truck when the unexpected happens.

 Here are the top three items to keep in your car, according to BeReady.Utah.gov.

    1. Water in 2-liter bottles (filled 3⁄4 full to allow for freeze
      expansion); rotate water every six months.
    2. Food/power bars, candy, dehydrated fruit, nuts, etc.;
      rotate food regularly.
    3. Blankets (can be Mylar) or a sleeping bag, coat(s) or
      jacket(s), rain poncho, boots/goulashes, gloves for
      warmth and work.
      Read the list of the other recommended items to have ready in your vehicle for an emergency.

In addition to the three absolute essentials, BeReady.Utah.gov strongly advises to pack these items in your car emergency preparedness kit.

Other items you might want

Wade Mathews, Utah Division of Emergency Management, explains what items you need and why. He joined KSL NewsRadio’s Debbie Dujanovic and guest host Taylor Morgan.

Do you need to have everything on the list in your car or truck?

“Well, let me start by saying, first of all, these are suggestions. We expect people to do the best you can with what you have and what you can afford,” Mathews said. 

“Why would I need disposable gloves?” Debbie asked.

“If you’re trying to administer first aid to someone, you want to take protective action. You want to put rubber gloves on,” Mathews said. He also suggested you carry sunglasses, eyeglasses, or safety glasses in your car to protect your eyes from bodily fluids or other emergencies.

Prepare for an emergency in winter and summer

Rotate items in and out of your vehicle, depending on the season, such as sand, cat litter, and ice melt in warmer months.

Mathews said to view your emergency car kits like car insurance, a fire extinguisher, or a jack and a spare tire — you hope you don’t have to use them, but you’re glad they are there when you do.

“Give me the top three things you want to see in our emergency car pack?” Debbie asked.

Mathews said:

  1. First aid kit
  2. Water
  3. Flashlight

What is your emergency item?

“I keep a headlamp in my car. That has come in handy so many times,” Morgan said.

While driving, Debbie got lost once and was out of range to activate her cellphone.

“I personally love to take solo road trips,” Debbie said. “I had a discussion with my kids a couple of years ago about the importance of carrying paper maps.”

Don’t forget this tip: Keep your gas tank full in case of evacuation or power outages. A full tank will also keep the fuel line from freezing.

For more information or tips, visit the Be Ready Utah website.

Dave & Dujanovic can be heard weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon. on KSL NewsRadio.