Weather conditions affecting SR 143 and US 191, major delays

UPDATED: MARCH 6, 2023 AT 10:18 AM
Digital Content Producer

SALT LAKE CITY — S.R. 143 is closed, along with U.S. 191, facing significant delays due to weather conditions Sunday.

S.R. 143 weather conditions/delays

Inclement weather has closed both directions of S.R. 143 at mileposts 17 to 27, UDOT reports. These mileposts are located in Iron County near Brian Head.

UDOT reports delays of more than 15 minutes. It estimates the closure to last 10 hours.

U.S. 191

Additionally, drivers on northbound U.S. 191 face delays as plows work to clean up the roads.

#RoadUpdate 👋 #SR190 travelers, @UPDSL is escorting our plow and shifting traffic lanes to give them space to clear uphill.

Traffic will be incredibly slow/stopped until we make some passes & conditions improve.

🚨Traction devices REQUIRED@SolitudeMTN @BrightonResort pic.twitter.com/gbXr54a2p1

— UDOT Cottonwood Canyons (@UDOTcottonwoods) March 5, 2023

UDOT reports that the roadway is closed at milepost 404 near the Utah/Wyoming border. Along with this, it says driving in the area requires traction devices.

UDOT estimates delays of more than 15 minutes.

#RoadUpdate 👋 #SR190 travelers, our plow has been making passes, and conditions are improving throughout the canyon.

No crashes reported – traffic is still slow due to the number of vehicles headed up & upper conditions.

🚨Traction devices REQUIRED@SolitudeMTN @BrightonResort pic.twitter.com/HndTERZUhY

Learn more about traction law and traction devices here.

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