Bloomberg schedules 2nd trip to Utah

Digital Content Producer

SALT LAKE CITY — Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg scheduled a trip to Salt Lake City for this week, just days after a competitor visited Utah to hold a town hall meeting.

Bloomberg announced he’ll be in Utah on Thursday, February 20.

The appearance will be Bloomberg’s second campaign stop in Utah.  He was in Salt Lake City in mid-January, when he appeared at a co-working space, Impact Hub. The Deseret News reports he told supporters at that time that he is the “un-Trump” and that he “knows how to unite people.”

Bloomberg recently named two former local mayors to co-chair his Utah campaign.  Ralph Becker and Peter Corroon, both Democrats, will share responsibilities for Bloomberg’s presidential campaign in Utah.

Bloomberg launched his Democratic presidential campaign at the end of November 2019, little more than than two months before primary voting began in the United States.

The Democratic presidential candidate is not traveling the typical road to win the Democratic presidential nomination.  He has skipped campaigning in early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

He’s focused instead on the Super Tuesday states. This year, Super Tuesday is March 3rd. In a presidential election year it is the day on which most states hold their primaries or caucuses. This year, Utah is among the Super Tuesday states.

Bloomberg’s trip to Utah this week follows a town hall meeting in Salt Lake City on Monday night, February 17, held by fellow Democratic presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg.

Related stories: 

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