BYU Cougarettes Instagram page held hostage by hacker

UPDATED: OCTOBER 14, 2021 AT 7:22 PM

PROVO — The BYU Cougarettes Instagram page is being held hostage by a hacker demanding a ransom of $1,000. 

The account was taken over Sept. 30 and the person responsible for the hack has changed the page name to “pharabenfarway79k.” The account bio now says “this Instagram account is held to be sold back to its owner”, along with some contact information. 

The Daily Universe reports it reached out using that information. And the hacker said they are simply doing their job. Targeting the Cougarettes page was purportedly done for no particular reason. The Universe says the hacker informed them no one from BYU has reached out to them. 

The Universe says the school’s athletic department is trying to work with Instagram to retrieve ownership of the page. 

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